Corsets for Men

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Dear Sir, – As a reader of your smart little paper, I have been greatly interested in the correspondence on the subject of “Corsets For Men.”
I quite agree with “Comfortably Corsetted” and see no reason why men should not wear corsets. If men could be persuaded to give them a trial, I am sure that many would take to the use of them permanently.
There is no question as to the added smartness the corset gives, and provided that tight-lacing is not indulged in, the support given should be beneficial. Some years ago I remember seeing a letter from an eminent medical authority advocating the wearing of corsets by both sexes.
Several years ago I was persuaded to try on a friend’s corset, and was so pleased with the comfortable feeling of support and smartness that I procured one for myself, and have worn them ever since.
Now I would not give them up. I do not tight lace, but wear them laced just tight enough to give support without undue pressure.
I have worn them playing gold and strenuous tennis; and last year, when in Scotland, climbed to the top of Ben Nevis in them. I have not found my activity suffer.
More publicity by advertisement, etc., would probably do a lot towards making corset-wearing by men more general, and go a long way towards killing the silly prejudice and the equally stupid cry of effeminacy.
Yours truly,

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