Workmen Wearers of Corsets

Published on Author CorsetMaster

Dear Sir,–I was interested in “Workman’s” letter, re corsets for men. Some years ago I worked with a joiner who always wore stays yet he was not a bit effeminate. In fact, he was a very good sport, and he was always ready to do above his share of work, even when it was rough, or help a mate who did not know his work.

I have seen him more than once take the blame for younger men. I have also been to his home and his wife told my wife of this kink, but added, “He believes in everybody wearing whatever they like, so long as they are smart, so I gave in to his whim of wearing corsets for he is the best hubby alive; and most people have weakness of some kind.”

Wishing your paper good luck,

Yours truly,