Workman Wears Corsets

Published on Author CorsetMaster

Dear Sir,–As a very old reader of your paper, I can say I have always had to work at my trade as a joiner, and have managed for many years to hold my own. The drones and duds soon get pushed off, so I must be able to do a good job, as I have often been the last to be stopped, and have only been out of work two weeks since the war. Yet I have the whole time worn corsets, even at work.

I was first persuaded to wear stays by my stepmother, who was very smart. Though at first I only did it to please her, I soon got used to them, and as she always gave me a new pair on my birthday I continued to wear them.

I am now 45, and have never been ill the whole time so I do not see where it is bad or effeminate, or harmful to wear stays.

Yours truly,
