Gymnastics instead of Tight-Lacing

Published on Author CorsetMaster

Dear Sir,– I have read with interest, and a certain amount of curiosity, the letters of your correspondents appearing on the above subject, and have been much impressed with the fact that none of the writers have suggested the only sensible and natural course to be adopted by either men or women who admire in others, or are actuated by the very laudable and proper desire themselves to become possessed of symmetrical figures – the only possible way out of the difficulty.

Of course, I refer to the graceful proportions resulting from an intelligent and methodical system of gymnastic exercises, persevered in for a reasonable length of time. Anyone at all acquainted with the development attained in this wise is aware of the unvarying decrease in waist measurement corresponding in “inverse ration” almost to increased enlargement of chest, which is so conspicuous a feature in results. The methods of physical culture make this fact potent; and, indeed, any gymnastic instructor will testify to its absolute truth.

Let women undertake a course of dumbell exercises under proper instruction, and they will arrive at small waists, increased busts, and an absence of the very evil consequences but too surely attending the pernicious habit of tight-lacing.

Having been a gymnast for years, I speak from practical experience of the grand effects of physical culture.

Yours truly,