Do Men Admire Small Waists?

Published on Author CorsetMaster

Dear Sir,–I have read the letters printed in “London Life” with much amusement, and not a little instruction.

I hope you will find space to print my ideas on the subject “Do Men Admire Small Waists?” I think what “B.L.” says on the subject is quiet correct. Men do admire small waists when they are natural. Men do laugh at girls who tightlace to such an extent as is quote out of keeping with the build of the person. I am glad there are only a few girls like your correspondent who go in for “wasp waists.” I wonder at any girl with common sense airing such ideas as some of these ladies have done.

I think if your correspondent “M.L.” had continued the twenty-one inch corset she would have enjoyed more comfort than she does now. For anyone to go from a twenty-four inch corset to a seventeen-inch is ridiculous in the extreme.

I heard the other day of a lady whose husband insisted on her wearing a sixteen-inch corset when a twenty-four inch would have been better. He had to lace her into it, and I have known people to make great fun of her and call her the “wasp.” Tight-lacing to such an extent is wicked and quite unnecessary.

I am glad to see you have some correspondents who have some of my ideas, and hope we are in the majority.

Hoping you will find space for this my first attempt.

I am, yours truly.
